Today marks 58 years since the union jack was lowered and replaced by our national flag, symbolising our independence from British rule, but not entirely freedom to think for ourselves and pave the way forward. It is rather unfortunate that almost 60 years, The Gambia has lite to show for the actual meaning of this day, at least to my own perspective. Growing up, 18th February did not mean much to me apart aprt from being happy going to the independence stadium with my uncle and siblings. Seeing a large crowd of people, secuirty personnel, singing the national anthem, dancing, eating out and listening to a long sermon by the former head of state about how the British ruled us for decades.
Today, I have a different understanding about this day, maybe because of age, experience and exposeure to new ideas, although not entirely the right kind of ideas for obvious reasons. However, I am of the opinion that, 18th February ought to mean so much more than the meaning I attributed to it years back. It should be a day for us to think and dream of better ways of doing things as a country. Seeing things beyond our present reality. I felt, I have been mislead by my teachers and family members and community about the whole idea of independence.
After 58 years of self-rule, our healthcare system is one of the worst in the sub-region, despite so-called claims of free healthcare. Education, agriculture, infrastructure, living standards and people's way of thinking is appalling. It is about self, segregation, bribery and corruption, blame game, unemployment, hate speech, tribalism, expressed religious intolerance and underdevelopment in it's height. Only few people are genuine and patriotic contrary to what is being said on television or radios, especially during political campaigns.
It is sad to know that, that young people have been mislead for way too long about their identity and the reality of what is at stake for them going forward. Not even the so-called intellectuals are spared from this evil. Evil, because it is perpetuated intentionally by those vested with the responsibility to steer our affairs as a nation with unlimited potential. Our kids are made to believe that colonialism is entirety responsible for our predicament and not our own people. Many are sold the idea of going to school so that they could become employees even when they are better of with vocational skills. They are forced to burry their talents and skills very early in pursuit of nonexistent jobs. In fact, some of us were regarded useless for expressing interest in football, music or other forms of art or entrepreneurial traits.
Going forward, we need to see beyond our present reality of penury and misery and underdevelopment. Young people should be trained and encouraged to enhance their skills, passion and dream bigger without being ridiculed as happned to many of us in the past. We live in a digital world that is rapidly changing beyong our imagination. Every hand should be on deck to embrace this technology and transformation. We are already left behind, but it is better than never. Get involved now. However, there is need for a sense of direction on the basics of cashing out from this technological breakthrough instead of spreading fake news and other social vices.. This is what we are set to do at Internet village, wiXad community is dedicated to teaching young people the essentials of Internet of Things, IOT. Above all, we are on a joinery towards actual independence and freedom to do what we love and monetize our talents ideas. Therefore, if this sounds amazing and challenges you to envisage a different lifestyle from your current reality. Please visit and get registered to begin this incredible journey of making your life a masterpiece and The Gambia a better place for all.