My name is Rose Jatta. I live in Berending village, Kombo South. I am 22 years of age. I completed my schooling in Siffoe Senior Secondary School. I am currently studying media in Fandema.I love sports. My favorite sport is football. Football is an exercise that I always love to do since I was young. We have a female team called black and white FC. we do have our training in the evening. We always train so hard in order for us to emerge the winners. We do go for competition outside order villages sometimes we won and sometimes we lose. We always have this believe that in any competition there always are winner and a loser. I leave in an extended family. I love to study media because it’s something I always dream to be in the future. whenever I see people holding camera, taking pictures and videos I always say to myself , one day I will also do the same thing and I always pray to God for my dream to come true . Upon my coming to Fandema, I was giving the chance to study media as a course which I always love to be. Now I am able to take good pictures and video because I was giving the room to learn all the things needed in order to have perfect pictures and videos. Thanks to fandema.
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