Leadership Tips For Young Digital African Entrepreneurs, from The Office of The Digital President, University of The Universal God, Internet Village Limited, wiXad Digital Networking Academy.
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1. We Focus The Majority of our Time and attention on our team members activities which will eventually bring success.
2. We Have Fun with our team always, they want to feel our love and compassion, they want to enjoy going to work so make their time worth it.
Try as much as you can to Communicate the news always, so that minds don't wander.
Empower Your Team through Delegation, No one can do it as well as you can, BUT, you need to delegate to give yourself time to complete other tasks more appropriate for your level.
3. Say Thank You Always, your team and people around you want to feel appreciated! A simple thank you note doesn't cost a thing, and it makes a huge difference.
4. Remove Obstacles, bureaucracy stifles creativity and innovation. Cut down some of the paperwork.
5. Set Little Milestones. If you can't match previous numbers, set milestones that can be achieved.
6. Change Your Style. You have many different communication styles and personalities on your team. Don't think you can manage everyone the same way, and don't assume that everyone likes to be managed the same way you liked to be managed.
7. Keep Your Focus High, because when your team see that you are working overtime to bring success, they will be motivated to work hard too.
8. Always Give and Request for Feed Back from your team and people around you.
These are my 8 mentality towards my team and people around me.
Thank you ❤️