"It is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary" Elon Musk. I don't know exactly when and where Musk first used this quote, but one thing is clear; he is an embodiment of this statement. Presently he is undoubtedly one of the most innovative and fastest growing entrepreneurs of our time. With an African background, he chose to be different by thinking big.
Big thinking has always been the result of new ideas for a better world since time immemorial. He got involvled in a nunber of businesses before coming to the limelight. From using his college dorm as nightclub, computer games, PayPal Mafia, Tesla, Space X, Boring Company and Star Link, Musk is a freaking genius who does things very differently.
This is what Internet village and WiXad is all about, we share the vision of our CEO, J.J. Robinson. This is a young man with a knack for prolem solving and people-oriented. In a nutshell, the internet village and WiXad is a community of young people coming together with their unique deas, talents, social problems, businesses and future ambitions for collaborative solution and achievement. We believe in team work, because therein lies incredible power and potential for unmatched breakthrough. We're a digital platform leveraging on the power technology, Internet Of Things to do all these mind-blowing stuff for an ordinary person's perspective. We cannot aftord to be left behind. Let us rise up to the challenge and do this together; of course, we can with commitment and determination.
We have people with diverse talents and skills collaboratively working to make The Gambia a better place for all, especially the next generation. It is an open secret that, until we challenge the status quo, nothing will work for this country. It has always been politics, infights, empty promises, corruption and segregation. WiXad is an inclusive, transparent and genuine platform for anyone, in fact a revolution if you wish to call it that. Therefore, I implore you to believe in yourself and be wiliing to learn. There is nothing like this in The Gambia. Yet, there are numerous untapped talents in the country. There is no limit to what you could do with this platform if you are serious and clear with what you want to do with your life going forward.
Finally, we are committed to doing extraordinary things and we have the toools, personnel and resources to make it a reality in do distant future. Just to mention a few, Facebook, Google and Binance, household names by this generation are fully behind us in this. Literally, we are providing a unique digital platform that includes all other social media platforms in one. Remember, you are the primary focus, this platform will transform your life beyond description if only you are willing to do things differently and stand out. We are looking for smart people, interested in their personal growth, professional development and willings to give bacck to the community by investing in themselves first. There is an adage, that a sinking ship can safe no one, you can only help people from a position of strength. I welcome you to Wixad. Visit www.internetvillage.us for more information.
We are wiXad